Actiflo® Package Plant ACP 2

The best package range of microsand enhanced clarifiers. This product range is based on the Actiflo process developed by Veolia that uses microsand and polymer in the flocculation tank to increase settling velocity. Actiflo® Package Plant can be used for various applications such as drinking water, wastewater treatment, reuse or process water. Integrating continuous innovation, Actiflo Pack always stays on the cutting edge to meet your needs and performance excellence.
View of an Actiflo Package  plant

Actiflo® Pack is a very compact and fully standardized clarifier package plant used for various applications such as drinking water, wastewater treatment, reuse or process water.


Clarification is a key process step in most water treatment plants used for the production of drinking water, industrial process water, for wastewater treatment and reuse.

Actiflo® Pack is a very compact and fully standardized clarifier package plant based on Actiflo’s high rate, compact, microsand ballasted clarification patented process by Veolia Water Technologies.

How does Actiflo® Pack work?

Actiflo Pack uses microsand which enhances the formation of robust flocs and acts as ballast, significantly increasing their settling velocities. The unique characteristics of the resulting microsand ballasted flocs allow for clarifier designs with very short hydraulic residence times, high rise rates and extremely compact system footprints that are 4 to 8 times smaller than lamella or dissolved air flotation (DAF) clarifiers and up to 50 times smaller than conventional clarification systems of similar capacity. 

New Actiflo diagram
Actiflo package diagram

Features and benefits

The Actiflo Pack ACP2 range now includes eight models with numerous standard options and alternatives to enhance performances and monitoring all water and wastewater sources.

Piktogramm für Produktivität

High treatment efficiency: turbidity and TSS removal up to > 99%

Minimal start-up time: treatment efficiency reached  within a few minutes 

User friendly and easy to operate: microsand buffers the effect of raw water flow or load variations 

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Efficient in cold water applications: suitable for use also in Nordic regions

Higher treatment velocity: Turbomix Evolution

Small footprint: suited for restricted areas and retrofit projects

Lowest civil requirements:  short lead times and fast commissioning 

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Smarter management: full automation and remote monitoring


Municipal drinking water systems and management of surface and ground water.
Optimized management of effluents and wastewater.
High quality water systems for production, process and manufacturing uses.
Solutions allowing the use of treated wastewater for beneficial purposes.


Local aftermarket service and support teams offer preventive and corrective maintenance programs to ensure the long-term, efficient operation of installed plants. We also provide: 

Comprehensive analysis of your water cycle to uncover potential savings and operational improvements
A combination of digital tools and Veolia expertise that make all your water processes smarter, safer and more sustainable.
Providing best-in-class water treatment services tailored to your exact needs to optimize the operational performance of your facility.
Bundling high performance specialty chemicals, innovative dosing and controlling equipment with related expert support.

Resources & Product range


Actiflo is the market's most versatile clarifier - robust enough to help communities tackle climate change challenges, yet precise enough to enable industries such as mining  to meet the most stringent targets.

Christian Scott picture

Christian Scott

Strategic Market Intelligence Director at Veolia Water Technologies Canada

Contact  Christian through his LinkedIn account



FAQ about Actiflo® Package Plant

What is clarification?

Clarification is a key process step in water treatment.  Its main aspects are:

  • Coagulation - Chemicals like alum or ferric chloride are added to destabilize suspended particles and allow them to clump together.
  • Flocculation - Gentle mixing causes the destabilized particles to agglomerate into larger "flocs".
  • Sedimentation - The flocs are allowed to settle out by gravity in clarifier tanks. This removes most of the suspended solids.

The clarification process removes turbidity and suspended solids like clay, silts, natural organic matter, iron and manganese hydroxides, microorganisms, etc. It prepares the water for further treatment steps like filtration and disinfection. Key process parameters are coagulant dosing, flocculation time and mixing intensity, clarifier design and solids removal efficiency. Optimization of clarification is critical for downstream process performance.

What is the role of a polymer during a clarification process?

During the clarification process, a polymer plays a crucial role in the coagulation and flocculation stages. The polymer is used as a flocculating agent to facilitate the aggregation of fine particles in the water. Once the polymer is added, it helps to neutralize the charges of the small suspended particles, allowing them to stick together and form larger aggregates known as flocs. This process is known as flocculation. The larger flocs are then more easily removed from the water during the sedimentation stage of the clarification process.

What are the advantages of a package plant?

Package plants have several advantages. They are fabricated in Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel.  The wide range of standard units allows them to be suitable for very small treatment capacities to medium and large treatment capacities. The use of package plants leads to reduced overall project schedule and costs, provides faster installation, lower startup risks, predictable operation and consistent quality for water treatment.